Abi Rogers

Feb 14, 20226 min

How to make the right investments for your business

Updated: Jul 13, 2023

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And of course, if I can help with anything else then just reach out - here are the current ways to Work With Me

Fancy checking out Thrivecart*? Here’s my affiliate link.

If you’d like to get in touch email abi@abigail-rogers.com

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I’m on a little myth-busting mission today - and as you’ll know, if you listen regularly, I’m always on the lookout for ways I can set the record straight on some of the B.S. that exists in the coaching and online entrepreneurship industry!

Wonderful as entrepreneurship is, there’s plenty of mistruth and misinformation out there which can lead to you spending far more of your precious money and time than you need to, to get where you want to be.

And one of those things you tend to hear constantly that simply isn’t true, is that you have to constantly be investing big bucks in your business if you want to make progress.

Yes, there are definitely times when it’s absolutely appropriate to make a significant investment.

But it’s almost become ‘the done thing’ and very trendy to hop from coaching programme to coaching programme, mastermind to mastermind, or even to be working with several coaches at once. Great if you really need that. But do you?

What I’ve found - and what I’ve noticed for other people - is that sometimes all this external input can become an additional source of overwhelm and - ironically - lack of clarity, focus and direction.

Too many conflicting opinions… or even plenty of good and helpful advice or coaching, but just not enough time and space to implement it!

And I think that’s a really key message I want to give you today - is to just stop and think.

Are you making the time to tune in to what REALLY works for you, to create a plan that feels like it fires you up - and then giving yourself the space to actually build that plan from the ground up?

Because, as amazing as the advice of experienced coaches and mentors can be, if you’re not doing that then are you really making the most of those investments?

And are they actually what you need, deep down - or are they more like a lovely distraction that makes you FEEL like you’re doing something proactive and moving up in the world - but are actually kind of a shiny, sneaky way of procrastinating without realising it?

In my own business I decided to invest in a couple of group coaching programmes and some private mentoring nearer to the start of my journey.

This was about a year ago? And to be completely honest, I am still implementing some of that stuff now!

Because what you do when you’re given a whole heap of information in one go is pick out the bits that feel helpful and exciting at that moment in time. I actually booked out time to go back through the content from the first coaching programme I invested in - because you miss SO much, even when you think you’re really paying attention! So I highly recommend that as a strategy - go through things in your own time and really digest them.

Then you start to implement them. And what you’ll find is that some of it works for you, some of it maybe doesn’t… and that’s often the point at which we start to go ‘oh, I need advice from another coach, this clearly isn’t working’.

Whereas maybe what we actually need to do is start to question for ourselves - WHY isn’t this working for me? Does it not fit with me, one way or another? Does it need more time? Does it need a different spin, or a different approach?

And I think it’s often by asking those questions that we really start to make progress - when we can start to figure things out for ourselves, rather than becoming reliant on others to do the thinking for us.

Yes - absolutely - if you’re stuck then get help to unravel your thought processes and get some strategic input! But it’s worth just asking if you’re REALLY stuck before you go ahead, jump in and start off in a completely new direction.

So by taking the time this year just to work through things and find my own way, my revenue has grown 50% year on year and I’ve come to some really important realisations about how I want to run and market my business that I think could really have got lost if I’d just jumped from programme to programme.

Now that’s not to say I’ve invested nothing and I don’t believe in having ANY support. It’s just that big, expensive programmes aren’t always the best way to get that.

So for me there are two things that have been absolutely invaluable.

The first has been having some low-cost ongoing mentorship from a brilliant coach who helps me explore and develop my OWN mindset. Because you can never ask all the right questions of yourself all the time!


I did a short mastermind programme with her and then jumped into her membership later in the year. It costs me the princely sum of £49 per month and has been incredible - I literally wouldn’t be where I am without that support. But the brilliant thing is that because it’s a membership and because it’s low cost, I can dive in and out, I can get support when I need it - and there’s literally next to NO time obligation. So for me, it’s absolutely the kind of support I need.

The second thing is that I’ve really sat back and been strategic about identifying where I want to be and what I need to invest in to help me get there. I’ve identified the gaps and filled them. So I’ve invested in a Pinterest strategy expert, because I want to move my core focus away from social media and on to my website and email list.

I’ve also invested in some fabulous software called Thrivecart* to help me host and sell products like my awesome journaling prompts book via my website, that was a one-off fee for lifetime use.

And I’ve invested in support for the things I don’t want to focus on and I’m not great at, like bookkeeping and accountancy and ongoing VA support to keep the wheels turning for me.

And I’m always investing in books and audiobooks because I find that a great way to keep my mind focused and in the zone.

And that’s about it!

My accountant is now telling me I need to spend more, so I might be on the hunt for that next level coach soon but… I can promise you I’ll be thinking very carefully about exactly what’s needed before I make that investment!

Now if you’re at a point in your business where you’re thinking “I kind of know what I need to be doing, but I just need some regular accountability and access to mentorship and coaching when I need it…” then I would really recommend you consider joining our membership, the Flow & Flourish Business Academy.

We actually support people who are right at the start of their journey too, with trainings and marketing help - but I think our real strength lies in that ongoing support. We have a wonderful community you can call on at any time, we’re all about regular mindset support and development so you can show up with confidence and clarity in your business - and we run regular group coaching sessions to help you dig deep into any stumbling blocks you come across.

We also do regular energetic empowerment sessions, conception sessions to generate incredible new ideas, co-working sessions and so much more!

I would LOVE to welcome you there and for the rest of this week - so up until Friday 18th - you can try it free for 14 days AND get our special relaunch rate of just £25 per month. This is exclusively available to my podcast listeners - for everyone else the price is now £49 per month - so if you want to access this special discount get in there quickly!

Can’t wait to see you there.

Have a wonderful week and I’ll be back next week as always - talking about how I’m moving away from social media!

Join my FREE 21 day e-course Worthy, Wealthy & Wise - and learn MORE secrets of self-mastery, ease and abundance!

And of course, if I can help with anything else then just reach out - here are the current ways to Work With Me

Fancy checking out Thrivecart*? Here’s my affiliate link.

If you’d like to get in touch email abi@abigail-rogers.com

Listen & subscribe on Apple, Google podcasts, Spotify, YouTube - or search ‘Unblock Your Business’ on your favourite podcast platform!


*This is an affiliate link for which I will receive a small commission
